Recent content by Dunk

  1. Dunk

    Do you like to cook?

    Being the only child, I had no option but to learn how to cook at a very young age. So, it became a hobby for me. I'm very good at it too.
  2. Dunk

    Blanket or no blanket?

    This picture I'm going to upload says it all on how I feel about sleeping with or without blanket.
  3. Dunk

    Hi everyone

    Thank you @JoyBoy. I'm so thrilled to be here. I'm already catching up.
  4. Dunk

    Pizza bites or pizza rolls

    I'm addicted to any kind of pizza. I have been trying to cut down on how much I eat it but it's happening.
  5. Dunk

    Happy Birthday, Tiger21820

    Happy belated birthday @Tiger21820 . Have fun and enjoy your day. Please drink responsibly if you do alcohol. My own birthday comes up next month on the 5th.
  6. Dunk

    Memorable day in your life?

    Drinking is one of my hobbies and the day I won a lottery from Heineken beer, it was a memorable day. I won a 6kva generator.
  7. Dunk

    Earliest memory of playing video games

    I used to frequently go to video game's house to play on N64 back in the days with my friends. We enjoyed playing WWF No Mercy so much.
  8. Dunk

    Games not for kids?

    Games that are too violent shouldn't be allowed for kids to play in my own opinion. Games with scenes of nudity and cursing like GTA isn't good for kids.
  9. Dunk

    How many hours do you play games daily?

    I try as much as possible to play at least 30 minutes to 1 hour every day when I'm free to play. But on weekends, I play up to 4 hours.
  10. Dunk

    Earn money with gaming

    This is so true. I have at least $6000 in my account in Red Dead Redemption 2 right now. I have seen some games they say that you can make money from playing but I don't believe it.
  11. Dunk

    Kids playing battle royale games

    Epic games with their Fortnite games says hello. Kids are so much into the game that it earned them millions of dollars in 2019.
  12. Dunk

    Elden Ring

    Elden Ring is very difficult for me to get into playing. It's the same challenge I had trying to play Bloodborne.
  13. Dunk

    Last Game Beaten

    The last game I can remember beating was Final Fantasy 7 Remake. It took me about 35 hours to complete the main story and 90 hours to finish it all.
  14. Dunk

    Last Game Bought

    I purchased Dying Light 2 Stay Human on my PlayStation 4. It's been an entertaining game so far. The killings and trying to survive is fun.
  15. Dunk

    Weekend Video Games?

    I enjoy playing some racing games during weekends. It's why I love playing Need for Speed series often during the weekend. Need for speed heat is my favorite.