Recent content by Kita

  1. Kita

    Playing with friends or solo?

    Would you rather play an online game like GTA V for example by yourself or you prefer having a friend or two by your side? Personally, I would be happier playing with my friends as they can help me in game a lot. And we could play custom races, complete heists, and much more without somebody...
  2. Kita

    If you could choose a game to become pro at...

    If you had to go professional at one game, what your choice would be? Myself, I would go for CS:GO with no hesitation. That's the one game I play the most and I've polished my skills and mastered the game. I perform really well and one day I might consider playing for at least a semi-pro team.
  3. Kita

    Developers offering DLCs on a subscription

    I hopped into Hearts of Iron IV the other day and I got a notification that the developers are offering access to all of their DLC, which costs a lot if you combine it all, for the small price of 5 euros per month. Do you think it's a good idea and could be benefical to some gamers? DLCs can...
  4. Kita

    How do you play PUBG?

    I purchased PUBG 2 years ago and I got keen on that game. I found some friends that play it as well and we got into a squad. I been very active on it during the first few months but after that I took a break of it. I still play it from time to time and it'll remain one of my favourite games.
  5. Kita

    Clash of Clans

    I play Clash of Clans but lately I've not been that active. I'm almost maxed Town Hall 10 and soon I might be ready to upgrade to level 11. It's a game that I find fun to play, especially when I'm not home and can't play on my PC.
  6. Kita

    Games you purchased with reviews

    I usually don't read the rewiews that are posted on Steam or other platforms for the game but I watch short videos. This way I can decide better for myself if I'd like the game. Anyways, most platforms offer refunds under certain conditions if you have bought a game and didn't like it.
  7. Kita

    how many hours

    I play video games for around 6-7 hours each day as of now. In the weekends I allow myself a bit more gaming time than the usual as I have more free time as well. When I was a teenager I used to have long sessions like 12-14 hours per day.
  8. Kita

    First game played

    I think my first game that I ever played was Duck Hunt on a Nintendo I had back in the days when I was very young. I really enjoyed the game and played it for a couple of hours every now and then. I also have played Battle City and Super Mario among my first games.
  9. Kita

    Last Game Played

    Dead by Daylight as a killer.
  10. Kita

    Happy Birthday, froggyboy604

    A day late but still... happy birthday. I hope you had a great time. :)
  11. Kita

    Would you rather pay to play or play for free?

    Depends on the game - if it's a FPS game I would rather pay to play to minimize the amount of cheaters.
  12. Kita

    General Gaming Latest Chat

    Personally, I don't. Probably visit friends or family.
  13. Kita

    Longest you've ever gone....?

    7 days because of a trip.
  14. Kita

    Favorite Christmas game gifts?

    I have never received video games as a Christmas gift or in any other way.
  15. Kita

    Last Game Played

    CS:GO but I'm really thinking to quit that game again due to the insane amount of cheaters.