Corrupt a wish

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Granted, but it has a picture of Justin Beiber eating a burger on it so it's not legal tender.

I wish I never got headaches ever again.

Granted! Now you only get migraines.

I wish a succubus would 'visit' me.
Granted! But they are all the villains and want to kill you for science.

I wish my wish wouldn't get corrupted.
Granted! But now you are bored and nothing else seems to appease the boredom!

I wish I could paint like Michaelangelo.
Granted! But you are the God of Gazebos!

I wish I could find a way to create a natural Blue Rose.
Granted! but your name is Vanessa and you have triple E's

I wish I could marry my character, Vierna.
Granted, but it is a board game, missing all pieces including the spinner but one promissory note, the yellow car, and 2 blue pegs

I wish I could redo October 2010
Granted, but it turns out worst than when you lived it the first time.

I wish I could see in the dark.
Granted, but you can't get to sleep.

I wish I had a red, green, and blue all-in-one laser pointer with a built in color mixer.
Granted, but as soon as you use it you go blind because of how bright it is.

I wish I had a computer for a brain.
Granted, but it's so cold that you freeze to death.

I wish I was a master fisherman.
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