Fictions Vs. Non-Fictions


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Do you like reading fictional works such as novels and stories, or essays, travelogues, biographies, autobiographies, memories, and other non-fiction works? I like reading fiction as well as non-fiction. In the past, I used to read fiction for pleasure but these days I read for craft and substance. I read non-fictions for building knowledge.
I've read a few autobiogragphies over the years but they are few and far between. I normally just read fiction and that's it. If I read someone's autobiography, then it has to be someone I'm really interested in.
I like to read long as the novels are entertaining.
Well, fiction can be really good....and I really love it quite a bit....
I prefer fiction. It's way easier to believe it's fiction rather than to believe in someone else's non-fiction. Especially nowadays with the misinformation that you see on TV and then the political slants you read in books. Way better not to fuss on something you don't have to debate.
I like to read both myself. I also have written both. i.e. Sci-Fi, is mostly fiction with maybe a few facts thrown in there that we have discovered. I have read some autobiographies as well & some of them were quite good!