GF looking for Staff

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Staff member
Full year of Nintendo Online
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You're Rich Money Bags Award
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The Gamingforce forum is currently looking for one or more members to join our team of staff. Available staff vacancies are listed below, along with additional information corresponding to the vacancy. Only request if you have time to give and can help out the fourm! These jobs also pay but not much.
Why should I join the team?
  •     Directly contribute to fast and fun growing gaming information resource site.
  •     Be part of a great staff team that has a very welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
  •     Collaborate with other individuals from around the world while improving your existing skills.
  •     Do your part into making GamingForce a great forum to visit.
  •     Regular activity (at least on every three days) and high online presence.
  •     Must be able to communicate effectively in English.
  •     Must be able to be do your job with good quality and in a timely fashion.
  •     Must have be a good role model to the individuals surrounding you.
  •     Must never have been banned at GamingForce in the past.
Global Moderator (Spots open: 0)
The GM Moderator is responsible to be active and police all of the topics on the Gamingforce forum to ensure the rules are held up. It is also your job to assist the admin by suggesting anything that can help the forum and do as much off site advertising as well.
Vice-admin (spots open: 0)
Besides doing the above GM duties, a vice-admin will also be in charge of assisting me with the forum and keeping things up to date and checking the daily logs to ensure all is running smooth.
Other duties include is updating the FAQ post, updating images around the board, making posts on the blog, updating mods, help advertise and supply suggestions and ideas to keep the forum active and fresh.
Website Staff (spots open: 1)
If you want this spot then you must be willing to make 3-5 articles on the website per week and ensure it stays up to date with plugins and other things. You will also advertise it and offer advertisement spots on the blog to help fund Gamingforce's future projects.
Community Staff (spots open: 3)

Community Staff is the most important to GF, it is your job to promote Gamingforce as much as possible by getting the link out and seeking out affiliates and do post exchanges and being active on GF. This spot comes with limited ACP access and some mod powers. Only ask for this spot if you're dedicated to this site and have lots of free time to put forth on this staff spot.
Please copy & paste the following Template into a new topic in the GF chat board and be sure to fill this out with as much info as possible.

What position are you applying for?:
Location & time zone:
Favorite types of games?:
How many free hours do you have per week/day to dedicate to the forum?:
If you have been staff at another forum how long were you staff for?:
What are your favorite features/forums/areas in Gamingforce?
Why do you want to be a staff member?:
What would make you unique as staff?:
Anything else you like to mention?:

If you have any questions feel free to PM Demon_skeith.
-GF Staff.
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