Movie Tie-In Game?


Horror Movie Guru
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Should they make a game based on the next movie when it comes out? I'm surprised they didnt capitalize on it the first go round, nothing incredibly long, but long enough to be a decent movie tie in.
It's very possible. I think movie tie-in games for the most part would get avoided for their lack of quality and relevance to movies done before or during the release. It was more of a retelling of the TV show and the games in general. If the movie were followed exactly, the interactions would feel like they didn't matter to the overall story since you cannot control the character, and the level auto-scrolls with or without deaths, telegraphed movements, scenes that act out other games which might lead to poor optimization of one gameplay loop. To put the nail in the coffin, it would need the same models as the movie, but maybe lower resolution. The production would take so long that it would be easier just to make games at a discount like they just did during the movie, to sell the games already in retail. I would rather have something original, rather than take resemblance from other works and reuse assets. I can see why it was done the way it was.
Given the first movie success, I wouldn't be shocked if they did but making a movie and a actual game, have two different schedules to have to match up. You almost have to make the game first and have it sit till the movie comes out.