What Book Has Most Inspired Your Life?


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What is one book that has most inspired your life?​

Although it isn't actually the most accurate interpretation of my own question. I can't help but think back to my grandmother and her obsession with Elvis Presley. She always had a large stack of books in his honor. I read a couple of them. One such story was a conspiracy about Elvis' life - it was utter hogwash, really. But, at the same time, it can be fun to read conspiracies, can't it? The weird coincidences some people can find to support their claim, no matter how outlandish (like Tupac and the 7-Day Theory). Anyways, I remember one claim was that Elvis Presley had come out of hiding as an artist named Orion. For some reason or another, maybe it was because it was the way my grandmother and I bonded in that period (she died shortly after), but I named the main-protagonist of my first novel after that artist. So, ... in a way, mine's a conspiracy book about Elvis Presley. Thanks, Gail Brewer!
This is a tough question.

Probably "The House of Dies Drear" by Virginia Hamilton. That was from my childhood.

Something more recently is probably "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.
That's a tough question because there are so many great books out there, but if I had to choose just one that has truly inspired me, it would have to be "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. This book taught me to follow my dreams, trust the universe, and believe in the power of perseverance. It's a timeless classic that I would recommend to anyone looking for a little inspiration and motivation in their life.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad​

That is one book that I can read couple of times. One good thing about this book is that it is something that you can relate with in your day-to-day financial operations.
Funny enough for me it was also The Alchemist. One of the last books I read that told a story and I wasn't forced to read in school. I liked that the treasure was always there where you were—believing in yourself and being willing to see the world to find out you had it in you the whole time.
Funny enough for me it was also The Alchemist. One of the last books I read that told a story and I wasn't forced to read in school. I liked that the treasure was always there where you were—believing in yourself and being willing to see the world to find out you had it in you the whole time.

I've not had time to read this book comprehensively though I believe it is something that I should try doing as soon as possible.