Ufouria: The Saga 2


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Slap and crawl!
So we went from an NES game to a Switch game where the main character drinks water out of a toilet. Good to know!
^ The main character actually washes his face with water from the toilet, he doesn't drink it even though it looks like it.

Asides that, Hebereke 2/Ufouria: The Saga 2 is a fun and quirky follow up to the original Famicom game. The main gripe most people including myself have is the low difficulty of simply beating the game even on...
The unlockable "hard" difficulty where the enemies move faster and attack more often, but they are no stronger than they were on the normal difficulty. Only benefits of having the difficulty set on hard is that you can get more coins fast from defeating enemies and such.

The real challenge for me is collecting every Utsu-can throughout every level.
There are 95 of them total. It's not required to collect all of them, and I'm not sure if collecting every single Utsu-can even affects the ending but I did anyway because I'm crazy.

I hope that Sunsoft and/or Tasto Alpha can also add new game modes et al in post-release updates that can up the challenge and replayabity of Hebereke 2, but I have my doubts.