Using something to guide your reading


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When you read, do you use something, say a piece of paper or your bookmark to guide you along so you don’t lose your place? There have been times some lines tend to run into each other & I lose my place. I find that the most with smaller print books where I would use a piece of paper to help keep my focus.
When you read, do you use something, say a piece of paper or your bookmark to guide you along so you don’t lose your place? There have been times some lines tend to run into each other & I lose my place. I find that the most with smaller print books where I would use a piece of paper to help keep my focus.

Sounds like you need to take a break from reading if the lines start to run.
If I read, I tend to do it in short bursts, or flip pages if it's informative/educational material. It's mostly digital so I just make bookmarks and search for the info I remember reading. Sometimes I think it's more handy than having a physical book. But I get it if you have very small line spacing or lose your spot on a page if the indentation is the same. Then you tend to read the same spot over again in your mind if you lose your spot.
If I do, I would just take the bookmark that I am using to keep my place in-between my times of reading.
I have mostly switched to my kindle for most reading and being able to alter the pages to fit my reading has been a huge asset. From reducing the text on a page or altering the size, they really help with reading. Otherwise, I don't normally use anything directly to help keep my place. Although I do often highlight text on websites as I read.