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If you stream, how many people are following you? How many do you think are bots?
You're popular.
You would think so but the follower numbers do not always reflect how popular you are. Having followers is great, especially if you end up getting many of them into your streams when you stream and when you upload content.

I haven't streamed in around 8 - 9 months now due to work but I am hoping to go back this week and get into a routine of splitting my work with content creation which I feel I can do so I am excited to see how that works out since I took my break.
You would think so but the follower numbers do not always reflect how popular you are. Having followers is great, especially if you end up getting many of them into your streams when you stream and when you upload content.

I haven't streamed in around 8 - 9 months now due to work but I am hoping to go back this week and get into a routine of splitting my work with content creation which I feel I can do so I am excited to see how that works out since I took my break.

Got more than what I have ^^;