YouTube is now a swear word


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YouTube has recently changed its controversial policy on swearing in videos, and a big reason for this change is because one prominent content creator decided to make "YouTube" into a swear word to combat the issue. In November 2022, the video platform made a change to its monetization restrictions where videos that had a decent amount of profanity in them, or even just one in the first eight seconds of a video, would either be demonetized or be age restricted.

This affected YouTuber RTGame in a rather dramatic way as he found many of his videos, including bigger contributions to the site like a "Best of 2022" compilation, to be demonetized and age restricted without any warning to him and other content creators on YouTube. RTGame later had the brilliant idea to fight back by making the word "YouTube" into a swear word.

RTGame's goal was to turn the word "YouTube" into the kind of word the video platform's algorithms wouldn't know what to do with. As a swear, "YouTube" would either be an insult or praise depending on the context it was used in. It was a humorous way to fight back that RTGame's viewers happily went along with, proceeding to call the situation a "YouTube" moment or call the entire website a "YouTube" in the video comments. RTGame himself doubled down on his own idea and edited out any swears to be replaced by "YouTube" on his more recent uploads after the policy change. RTGame has now uploaded a video saying that this helped the platform change the policy to be more creator friendly.

The fact this is a major and real debate ongoing with YouTube is probably a sign of something, I just can't figure out what lol.
What in the Youtube did I read? Though seriously this is ridiculous, after Google took ownership of Youtube they just went down the tubes. I still use Youtube, and have a channel but I swear on a daily basis and often have to watch my mouth when filming videos. :V
What in the Youtube did I read? Though seriously this is ridiculous, after Google took ownership of Youtube they just went down the tubes. I still use Youtube, and have a channel but I swear on a daily basis and often have to watch my mouth when filming videos. :V
I agree! Youtube went downhill with Google taking the reins. Google is known for high censorship & wants Youtube to follow along. It's annoying because it's called YOU Tube for a reason. For people to make videos. Who cares if people like or don't like something, they still have a right to make a video.
They also changed policy to re-apply into the monitization program, so ff you get demotinized, you can during first 30 days to counter it, yet if that fails you can only re-apply in 90days this time, so yeh talking about youtube, which the application form will be handled with AI bots not real people anyway.
Maybe I should ban the word YouTube on Nintendo 3DS Central if it is a swear word!
Lol just imagine:

Hey guys check out my (Bleep) video. It's all about my life goals and goals for my (bleep) channel. I hope to reach 5,000 subs on (Bleep) before the end of the year!
It is sad to see that they made this change as it really does affect a lot of people. Many people upload video game content to YouTube and as a gamer myself, I know that you will always end up swearing numerous times throughout the video, this could affect the video big time because of those changes.

What I don't understand is that they have an option when you upload to select if it is for kids or if it's not, why not have more options like that to state whether it is suitable for a certain age group? That would make more sense.